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Monthly Tournament

The Monthly Tournament is a recurring competition where players can participate in either Classic or Professional categories to compete for prizes, including Amazon gift cards worth $500 for 1st place and $250 for 2nd place in each category. 

You have to click on the tournaments icon in the table lobby, and then select the Monthly Tournament icon, the home page will open and you will be able to view all the information and monitor the rankings and the ko structure

It takes place once a month, starting on the first day of each month and lasting for six days.

All players can participate in the qualification phase, but only subscribed players can compete in the main tournament.

Earn points by winning matches within the app during the month. Each match won adds 1 point to your qualification ranking.

The top 64 players in each category (Classic and Professional) qualify.

The qualification phase ends on the last day of the month, and rankings reset on the first day of each month.

Rankings for both categories are updated regularly in the app.

The main tournament begins on the first day of the month and runs for six consecutive days.

A “Play” button will appear on the app’s home page under the Classic or Professional tournament section. Click it to join your scheduled match.

The tournament follows a single-elimination structure. Players compete in 1 VS 1 matches with one hand and a 30-second timer for each move.

Once a player loses, they are eliminated from the tournament.

If both players fail to click “Play” during the scheduled match time, the server will randomly select a winner for that match.

  • 1st Place (each category): $500 Amazon gift card. 

  • 2nd Place (each category): $250 Amazon gift card.

Prizes will be sent directly to the winners via the app or through their registered email after the tournament concludes.

Players can choose their preferred category during the qualification phase but cannot switch categories once the main tournament starts.

Missing a match may result in forfeiture. Make sure to be ready at the scheduled time. 

There is no fee to join the qualification phase, but only subscribed players can enter the main tournament.

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